Singing Guide: Flo Rida feat. Fitz

Singing Guide: Flo Rida feat. Fitz

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Flo Rida and Fitz’s sax-heavy pop hit “Hand's Up” is a fan favorite and catchy tune. However, learning to sing like Flo Rida requires a lot of skills, practice, and technique. Below are a few tips on how to sing like Flo Rida and incorporate Singing Carrots’ resources to improve your singing skills.

  • The first step is to identify your voice type. Knowing your voice type is crucial as it will help you learn techniques that suit your specific vocal range. Check out Singing Carrots’ blog on voice types to find out more. Flo Rida is known for his smoke-like, raspy sound, which is achieved by using a balance of air and support. Singing Carrots’ blog on breath support and respiration can be especially useful in this regard.

  • Flo Rida also mixes his chest and head voices seamlessly, which allows him to hit high notes without straining his vocal cords. Mastering vocal registers and understanding the vocal breaks can be especially helpful. Singing Carrots’ blog on voice registers & vocal breaks should provide good, practical advice to get started.

  • To sing like Flo Rida, it’s important to understand the importance of articulating lyrics. Flo Rida’s rapid-multiple word lyrics-beat in his songs are a challenge to most singers. Knowing how to control your breath and mouth movements can be especially helpful. Singing Carrots’ blog on articulation will provide examples and a guide on how and when to use certain techniques in your singing.

  • It is important to warm up and doing regular vocal exercises before you sing. Practicing with the available Singing Carrots’ warm-up videos like humming and Farinelli breathing techniques can be a great way to start. Practicing regularly, using the right techniques, observing and correcting yourself often, can all help in improving your singing skills.

In conclusion, Flo Rida’s singing technique is complex, but by implementing the tips outlined above and incorporating Singing Carrot’s resources like blogs and exercises to practice, you’ll be well on the way to learning to sing like Flo Rida.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.